3 Tips I Learned From Sania Khiljee’s Entrepreneur.com Article — Christopher Ray Coleman
If you’re reading this you’re about to read something very very special! First of all, it’s an article from me! *hair flip* ;)
But seriously it’s the first installment of my “Growth Addicts Spotlight” segment I’ll start doing weekly! And there’s NOBODY I’d rather start with than my best friend Sania Khiljee! A Growth Addict is someone that is addicted to growth; duh! It’s a person that would choose education over entertainment, staying home to read a book or write one instead of going to a party, and a person that is always looking to progress and NEVER gets complacent. And Sania definitely embodies that!
Enough with the formalities! Guys….this chick right here just did something badass!
Now if you are into business or a Millennial you’re aware of the monster platform Entrepreneur.com. And if you’re a thought leader, expert, or influencer; you have a goal of having an article featured on their site(Do they even print paper magazines anymore). Anywho…
Well, you guessed it! Monday…October 8, 2018…Sania Khiljee’s article went live on the platform! And as I’m writing this article; hers has been shared directly from Entrepreneur website 658 times! In one freaking day! Those that know the power and value of social media know how huge that is! So you see how the article is highlighted above after Sania Khiljee. Stop reading this, click that link, and you share that article! You don’t even have to finish reading this article if you do that!(that’s really the entire reason I’m writing this! I’m kidding…please come back!)
Sania is a Social Media Coach where the owner of Losers To Legend; a Marketing and Advertising Agency and brand that has over 1.4 million followers across social media. She’s also the Founder of Bumble Brain Box, and the Co-owner of 3 preschools in Houston, TX….and last but not least…my bestie!
We first met on Instagram June 25th, 2017 where she slid in my DMs!(Hey hey hey not like that! get your mind out the gutter!) After a while of us both commenting on each other posts she initiated a conversation. She was impressed that I was an author and I was impressed by her conviction and ton via videos on Instagram. To be young and a woman(feminists…please don’t come for me!); she had a demeanor that was very convincing and certain and that’s very rare these days no matter the gender.
Since then we’ve talked damn near every day! I’ve gotten to know her and her husband. She wrote a review on the back of my book that best a 2X Best Seller on Amazon. I connected her with the founders of Momentum University where she’s going to be a part of a dope line at their inaugural conference next year. And there’s so much in store with our organizations working together and personal brands joining forces to do a world tour soon!
I can’t imagine where my personal brand of business would be now if I never met Sania. She’s not just a client of mine, nor just a business associate, but truly my best friend!
Ok enough about our friendship. Don’t want to make y’all too jealous! But with the Entrepreneur article going live yesterday I noticed 3 major keys that can be applied to anything no matter who you are or what you do!
1. Intentional
Sania is not only a huge fan of Gary Vaynerchuk; isn’t any Entrepreneur that’s a Millennial, but she has a goal to be the female version of Gary Vaynerchuck! So guess what the title of her article was….”7 Game-Changing Social Media Tips From Gary Vaynerchuk to Grow Your Business”. I hope you guys are catching on! Not only is she positioning herself as an expert in the article; but she’s highlighting the guy she looks up to. If you don’t think the article getting that many shares won’t catch his attention you clearly must be a DC fan smh! By the way, her article is up to 668 shares now and I promised I’m not writing slow. So you see how the title of the article is highlighted? If you didn’t share it before taking the time to do it now. And if you did share it earlier…DO IT AGAIN!
But being intentional in your action matters! Every opportunity is a good opportunity, but it may not be the right thing FOR YOU. And if you’re going to do something make sure it’s something that can be leveraged and leads to things in the future that’s congruent with your vision. Don’t do shit just to do it!(Growth Addicts curse a lot also. Surprised I made it this far)
2. Momentum
Sania has been in business getting real results for years! The last couple of years she’s been focusing on her personal brand. Interviews, podcasts, ebooks, click funnels, articles on her personal website, live streams, creating mastermind, the girl has been hustling! She’s been building brick by brick day after day! Adding massive value to so many people’s lives. So when this article went live she had a community that was waiting to share it. Which lead to others finding it and doing the same! So much so that the article has tripled in one day what I thought it would maybe do for the first week smh silly me!
I know we live in an instant gratification world now and we want things asap. But there’s power in building something slow and steady and being prepared when a great opportunity comes and you’re able to capitalize on it!
3. Growth Addict Mindset
I know many people would’ve through a party once their article went live on Entrepreneur.com! They would’ve done a live stream, raised their price, maybe even took the week off! Do yall know this girl didn’t even announce it when the damn article went live? It’s Monday 1pm-ish and I hit her up saying; “Yo! has your article gone live yet?” And she literally responded; “I’ve been so busy with things this morning I haven’t gotten around to sharing it. I may share it around 5pm” What a Growth Addict! To many people, the article would’ve been the destination! To her, it was just another brick building the empire. A big ass brick thought; let’s be honest. But it’s just another day on her journey. And yesterday we both stated a phrase we constantly use; “This is only the beginning.”
What achievement have you experienced that you thought was everything when it was really just another stepping stone on the path. This is a tough mindset to apply; that’s why it’s one of a Growth Addict. But having this perspective helps you to keep your foot on the pedal and build something that will one day be indestructible due to your consistency!
Sania is the example of a Growth Addict! She values personal development and mental health! She follows the beat of her own drum(which means she’s weird…probably why we get along so much). And she truly wants to build something special that will outlive her and help so many people in the process!
If you haven’t already please share her article. Of course, it helps her but the article has some great tips in it! And be sure to follow Sania on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, and visit her personal website!
If you want to know more about what it takes to become an official Growth Addict don’t hesitate to ask me. Growth Addicts Army Podcast is coming soon hosted by yours truly! Brand, merch, and so much more with Growth Addicts Army will launch November 16th on my birthday!
Until the next segment of the Growth Addicts Spotlight; Be Brilliant! And continue waging the war on average!
Your #HealthIsWealthGuy