Corporate Wellness “IDEAS” #HIWN

Christopher Ray Coleman
2 min readApr 19, 2019

In 2019, every workplace should have some form of a corporate wellness program implemented. However, corporate wellness programs are not a one size fits all ordeal. So if you run a sales organization, small business, or mid-size business and someone is pitching an easily implemented program that seems cookie cutter; run! They do not have your well being in mind.

When it comes to a well-designed corporate wellness program there are some evidence-based components to consider. These will make the process of implementing a program smoother, more efficient, and less complicated for employees/team. The components conveniently spell out IDEAS:

INFRASTRUCTURE: Having a strong foundation within your ecosystem that supports corporate wellness programs is crucial! This includes senior leadership, team leaders, and team champions being all in with the program. Company policies, core values, and culture should be congruent with the program.

DATA: A corporate wellness program must be catered to the population of the workplace. Collecting data to build personalized corporate wellness programs will be massively beneficial. This will improve participation and cut down on “quit rate”.

EVALUATION/PLANNING: Once a program is implemented, and a baseline of data is collected, the information should be evaluated in order to tweak and further customize the program. Being strategic in this phase will ensure results in the long run.

AEI PROGRAMMING: Every program should include a combination of awareness, education, and behavior change interventions(AEI). These should appeal to a wide range of participants and different levels of preparedness. Awareness programs such as health risk assessments(HRA) increases participants cognizance of their own health status and of the benefits and risks of certain healthy lifestyle behaviors. Education programs teach participants about their healthy lifestyle behaviors, and risks, and well as how to engage in healthy behaviors. And interventions are typically a six-eight week health behavior change program designed to lead to sustained action and maintenance.

SUCCESS: Measuring, evaluating, and monitoring workplace wellness programs on a regular basis lead to success. Making regular adjustments to the program and the strategic plan helps improve engagement and outcomes.

For more information on how my corporate wellness programs can help optimize the health of the individuals in your organization while they accumulate wealth click here to visit my site.

And if you want to start the process of implementing a well-designed program for your workplace click here to email me and we’ll get the conversation started.

Your #HealthIsWealthGuy

Christopher Ray Coleman



Christopher Ray Coleman
Christopher Ray Coleman

Written by Christopher Ray Coleman

President of Coleman Enterprises, Founder of Fuckup Nights Mobile, Best-Selling Author & Host of the CRC Podcast

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