Health Is Wealth

Christopher Ray Coleman
4 min readJun 4, 2017

If you’re reading this right now I know you value your health and well being. Don’t worry I’m not psychic nor am I spying on you; however I do know that feeling good and living long is a desire we all share as human beings. it’s the reason we put our hands in front of ourselves when dirt is flying in our eyes. It’s the reason we instinctively put our hands over our heads when we know something is falling down over us. It’s first nature to protect yourself and second nature to get out of harms way. Although we’d do whatever it took to protect ourselves externally; it seems that we’re doing everything but what it takes to protect our well being internally. The strongest man can die of a heart attack instantly if he doesn’t take care of his nutrition and well being also. And the smallest frailest woman can live to be 100+ by taking care of her nutrition and well being.

We live in a instant gratification world where everybody wants things right now like fast food, high speed internet, and believe it or not; love. But the goal is having long term sustainable results! You can either have it fast or have it to last. Yeah its cool looking fit and ripped and swole in your 20s or 30s; but is that more important than feeling great in your 70s or 80s and being able to play with your grandchildren? With the chronic problems that are coming with millionaires having severe depression or so many people dying from being overworked that the Japanese gave it the term Karoshi. That’s proof that healthy is becoming the new wealthy. Here are the 5 P’s to help get started building a healthy active lifestyle and having an abundance of wellness.

1.Patience: “if you try and chase two rabbits: you will not catch either one” — Anonymous . You didn’t get to a point of inblanced health and financial limits over: so it’s going to take time to get to living a healthy lifestyle and finincial wealth. Be patient, focus on that specifc goal, and trust the process.

2.Progress: “No matter how slow you go; you’re still lapping everyone on the couch” — Anonymous. Again; we live in an instant gratification society where everyone want’s everything now! But anything worth having takes time. Find small daily wins on your journey to keep you motivated and encouraged.

3.People: “Do you know you are the average of 5 people you spend the most time with? Who you are with can elevate you and bring you down at the same time.” — Jim Rohn. The old saying birds of a feather flock together is spot on. Put like minded people around you that want the same things in life you do; and that will help you obtain it. People either give you energy or drain your energy. There’s no in between.

4.Preparation: “If you fail to plan; you plan to fail.” — Anonymous. We’ve all heard this before but the one’s that apply it are the ones that end of living a life by their design. In this noisy information age we live in that’s full of distrations its cruicial to have a plan and to prepare what you want. Whether it’s a meal plan, workout, goal setting, call lists. Plan it out, write it down, then execute!

5.Perspective: “Change your perspective; and you’ll change your reality” — CRC. Many times problems in our life isn’t the problem. The way we see our problems is the problem. Allow life to make you better not bitter. Look at problems like challenges that will help you grow, build character, and build good habits while breaking bad ones.

The thing is health is the strong foundation in our life that everything else is built upon. And just like a building; if the foundation is unstable the building will sooner than later come crashing down. Wealth is defined as “an abundance of” and “plentiful supplies of a particular resource”. Living a healthy active lifestyle and improving your overall wellness will not only help you generate financial wealth. But generate abundance with your family, spirituality, recreational(hobbies), serenity etc. Ask yourself if you don’t take care of yourself; where then will you live? Or better yet; If you don’t take care of yourself and reach your potential then what will your family and later generations of your family do?

For any help on creating or healthy active lifestyle contact me via




Christopher Ray Coleman
Christopher Ray Coleman

Written by Christopher Ray Coleman

President of Coleman Enterprises, Founder of Fuckup Nights Mobile, Best-Selling Author & Host of the CRC Podcast

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