Just Do Me A Favor And Tell Me No — Christopher Ray Coleman
It’s one of my biggest pet peeves when people refuse to tell me no due to being “too polite” or “too nice”!
There’s only 24 hours in the day. And there’s nothing worse for an entrepreneur than to waste time on things that don’t progress them towards their goals.
In my daily workflow it consists of contacting people to start a nutrition program, join my team of distributors/wellness coaches, order bulk quantities of my book, and many other tasks.
I’m spinning so many plates right now that I’m actually considering hiring an assistant sooner than I expected.
But what I’ve learned from my relentless approach making outbound calls, text, messages, etc; is that people have a big problem with saying no today.
People will entertain something just to be polite(which is a total waste of fucking time). They say things like I’ll think about it, let me sleep on it, let me get back to you, can you sent me over some info, and the list goes on and on and on…
For the past 5 years, I’ve been involved in sales, negotiating, and recruiting. This may not sound like a long time but this has been an everyday journey. No bullshit. Every day, 24/7, 365!
In some cases the phrases I highlighted above are accurate. People do need to think about it because they have a couple of options they’re weighing, they just made a huge purchase and they’re hesitant to pull the trigger again, and others just like making informed decisions and want more info. I get that!
But many people know as soon as I contact them they want no parts of what I have to offer. And that’s ok. What I have to offer isn’t for everyone. Nor am I aiming to appease everyone.
Today’s world is so pussified, politically correct, and “nice”; people think to say no will hurt my feelings.
I would one thing if someone says “Chris, I don’t want what you’re offering. I don’t like you. I don’t like your face. I don’t like your family. Don’t contact me anymore!”
In the last 5 years, I have never received this response from someone and I doubt I ever will.
However, I have received messages like; “Chris, I respect what you’re doing. I’m not interested and I don’t think I ever will be. I wish you luck and let me know if I can help in another way.”
People have no idea how aroused I get from getting messages like this! haha
Not only has this person saved me tons of time by telling me no. They’ve also complimented me and left the door open for another product, service, or opportunity.
This allows me the freedom to move to the next person that may be dying for what I’m offering and not wasting time or energy on someone that will never say yes to what I’m offering.
People never say no to me! They only say no to the specific thing I’m offering.
If you’re in sales or any form of running a business I hope this article helps!
And if you’re reading this and happen to be someone I approach in the future; please tell me no as fast as you can. It gets me closer to a yes from a person that really wants to change their lives and reach the best version of themselves! ;)
Your #HealthIsWealthGuy