My testimony of being an indirect victim of mental illness
I must preface this by saying by no means am I writing this to seek sympathy. I don’t wish for anyone to feel sorry for me based on the experiences I will share in this piece. I’m solely writing this to inspire, empower, and encourage someone to continue on their journey despite how difficult it may constantly appear to be.
To the best of my knowledge, I do not have a mental illness(unless you call being an above average ambitious entrepreneur a mental illness…which many do). But I’d be a fool to state that my mental health is in perfect condition. There’s a huge difference between mental health and mental illness and I’ll save expounding on this for another article.
Ever since 2010, my younger sister has been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and bipolar. And since then the household that I grew up in has been hell on Earth.
At the time she was diagnosed I was a freshman at Tuskegee University. I was already battling with the fact that I knew formal education wasn’t for me and so many factors in life were forcing me to attend. But in addition to that, I would get calls in the middle of the night of my older sister and mom crying. Crying because they couldn’t deal with the episodes of my sister. They couldn’t deal with the daily switches of personalities or “entities” as she puts it. They couldn’t grasp that all of this was actually occurring.
Many altercations have transpired over the last 9 years from me waking up in the middle of the night to my sister going in my wallet all the way to waking up to hearing my sister and mom yelling. But over the last couple of years, things have gotten drastically worse.
After living on my own in midtown and downtown Mobile for a few years I moved back to my mom’s house in February. A bit out of desperation but also out of necessity. The house is 22 years old and needs major renovation, my mom needs help with bills/expenses, and honestly, she needed protection from my sister. Over the past couple of years while I was living on my own one of my worst nightmares was that I’d get a call in the middle of the night and learn that my mom is dead by the hand of my sister. She’s getting older and her health is declining and during my sister’s episodes, she’s not concerned about this at all.
In 2017, I actually broke up a fight between them and my sister picked up an object in the kitchen and cut my face. I was centimeters away from cutting my eye and has left a permanent mark on my nose and by my eyebrow. Throughout everything I’ve been through growing up in a tough neighborhood, growing up an athlete, and going from being homeless to business owner; I never would’ve imagined that the place I would get a permanent scar on my face would be in the house I grew up in.
The last couple of weeks the episodes have been more frequent since I’ve moved back in and compared to what my mom has experienced over the years. A couple of weeks ago a “minor” argument ensued between them and out of rage my sister stormed out of the house. In the process, she knocked my backpack off of the table that had my laptop in it. This caused it to crash and forced me to buy another one.
Last Friday I had the opportunity to speak at the 2019 Gulf Coast Biz Con. It was the inaugural year for the event and add to the fact it was in downtown Mobile meant I was more than excited to be a part of it. I was a part of a panel that discussed health, retaining talent, and mental health ironically enough. We did an amazing job adding value to the audience. We had a couple of laughs, dropped some nuggets, and I even mentioned my sister and her mental illness. But what people don’t know it that the night before occurred the biggest episode to date my sister has had.
I was taking a nap when I heard a bunch of commotion and yelling downstairs. I raced down the stairs skipping a few in the process and found my mom with her back against a display table, my sister's hands latched on to my mom pushing her against the table, and my two-year-old niece sandwiched in between them.
I grabbed my sister and threw her halfway across the room to separate them and diffuse the situation. I had to be careful because I was barefoot and there was broken glass on the floor. Of course, the yelling continued because this was weeks of instances coming to the surface. From broken windows, stolen money, stolen car keys, and much more.
There was a time where my sister was being held at Altapointe and even spent some time at UAB’s facility in Birmingham. But because of my mom’s inability to accept my sister was mentally ill and other circumstances pertaining to government funding left my sister “on the streets” in her extreme condition.
With major conviction, I forced my mom to call the cops on my sister for the damage she has done. It’s a necessary roughness my mom could never bring herself to doing but it was something that had to be done.
Initially, she could only be held for 24 hours but due to 3 warrants she has, she is being held longer. While simultaneously the process is pending to have her involuntarily committed to a facility. And I pray the end result isn’t she ends up coming back to my mom house, my mom giving in and welcoming her back, and this vicious cycle starts all over again.
And during all of this, I have been working tirelessly growing my businesses. To reach a level of financial freedom so the predicaments that are occurring now because of money won't anymore. My dad isn’t involved in our lives and all of my grandads; plus my mom 7 older brothers; have passed away. So at 28 years old, I’m the patriarch of a family full of females(my mom, 2 sisters, 3 nieces, and 1 nephew).
I don’t say this to complain. I share this to show someone out there struggling that if I can make it/juggle all of this they can handle what’s on their plate as well.
To conclude; there are a ton of people in the world affected by mental illness. The immediate patient for sure but also the family and loved ones that have to carry the daily takes of managing the chemical imbalances. I’m sure some have it much worse than me and some don’t. But the bottom line is we’re all dealing with something on some level while we’re on this Earth.
Life is fair because it’s unfair to us all. In the moments where you’re crying yourself to sleep, doubting the process, or asking God “why me”; it can be extremely easy to quit. But at that moment you have to realize that breakdowns can actually be a breakthrough if you choose to.
My panel for the Gulf Coast Biz Con was Friday morning at 11 am and mom called the police on my sister that night before on a Thursday. I could’ve easily used that moment to breakdown and gone into a deep depression like I have many times before. But I chose to breakthrough the moment and think bigger than me and tell myself that this is why many people need me. To not only help them with their physical results but help them become emotionally fit and mentally strong.
I would love to hear from anyone that is going through anything similar or any adversity at all and you feel as if you just can’t conquer it and you always succumb to it. If there’s any way I can help I surely will. Click here to email me.
Your #HealthIsWealthGuy
Christopher Ray Coleman