Christopher Ray Coleman
4 min readJun 8, 2017

Optimize Your Mind, Body, & Spirit By Borrowing My Eyes

Borrow my eyes is one of those phrases that just does not sound right. I remember when I first heard; “eat the frog”; a few years ago when I first got into sales. I was learning personal development and time management during a workshop when my manager stated; “In the morning; you must eat the frog if you want to have a successful day.” For a second I thought I had stumbled into a cult was tricked into some frog eating ritual!!! But of course, I was a polarizing symbolism to get your attention and to convey that you must do that hardest task in the morning. Instead of doing all the easy task on your list but not getting the big things done; do the hard task first then everything else from there is easy.

The “Eat The Frog” phrase has stuck with me since 2013 and it’s how I start every morning; to ensure that I’m sticking to The 80/20 Rule; getting the most important tasks done. In 2015 I heard the phrase “Borrow My Eyes” while watching a video of Herbalife Nutrition’s Founder Mark Hughes. Now I had caught on to the concept of polarizing phrases by now so didn’t freak out when I heard a man say; “Borrow My Eyes.” In fact this time the phrase hit me like a bag of bricks because I immediately grasped the meaning. I’ve always been a visionary and future-oriented even at the expense of not fitting in or even being deemed crazy. But when I think about it so were the greats everyone knows: like Jay-Z, Steve Jobs, Howard Schultz, Oprah, Tyler Perry. All chastised in the beginning for thinking too big and different. However, now we praise them and use them as examples. So I believe the “Holy Trinity” of mind, body, & spirit are universal aspects to all of our lives; call them pillars if you will. So I briefly want to talk about how I think big and different in these three pillars with confidence you can latch on to something and apply it to your life; of and of course, borrow my eyes:

Mind: Jim Rohn is known for saying; “Your level of success will seldom exceed your level of personal development because success is something you attract by the person you become.” Personal development, personal growth, personal philosophy; call it what you shall. But there’s no getting around that how we think and what we think about in life makes a huge difference. If fact out life is our thoughts. Our thoughts lead to words, our words lead to action, our actions lead to habits, our habits define out character, and our character is our identity in life! I self-published my first book Thanksgiving 2016 titled; “The 180 Effect: Homeless To Business Owner In One Decision”. I documented my journey of turning over a new leaf in my life; which I truly accredit to growing my personal development. Once I became better as a person my results/overall life became better. Once I started thinking big and learned the blueprint to get more; I started to receive more in life. With this book and books to follow I plan to help individuals raise their mindset.

Body: When it comes to improving the body I engaged in powerlifting. One because I’ve always enjoyed being strong and competing in other sports; so I can combine the two with this sport. But what many people don’t realize it that it’s a sport you can do for a very long time. In fact, there are studies on doctors in China prescribing powerlifting to the elderly believing their pain is a direct result of lacking strength. And great progress has come from these practices. And in a day where everyone wants to just hop on a treadmill and do cardio; I’m passionate about being an advocate for powerlifting. And not just in the capacity of competing in the sport; but to instill embracing strength as a way of life. I plan to run a program called Growth Addicts Strength & Wellness incorporating powerlifting into high schools first. And from there expanding with community gyms and powerlifting teams.

Spirit: When it comes to spirit this can actually be broken down and apply to various sectors. I perceive it as pertaining to our overall well-being, wellness, and health. Currently, I’m the CoFounder & President of Health Is Wealth Nation; a division of Herbalife Nutrition. With this endeavor, I’m on a crusade to help people fill the gaps. Not doing a program, not doing a plan, but simply living your life. I’m all about just living your lifestyle where there’s no distinction between work and play, education and recreation, labor and leisure; you’re just constantly pursuing excellence and your ideal lifestyle! I reside in the southern region of the country; Mobile, Al to be exact; and there is no excuse for the number of individuals dying from poor eating habits to be as high as it is. So my mission is to spread the wealth of health starting here and leading to a pandemic of healthy active lifestyles around the world.

On that note, please borrow my eyes! Take the passion and vigor I have in my vision and instill it into a part of your life that needs it the most. What I love about this phrase is that it’s duplicatable. Once you borrow someone’s eyes and their vision is instilled in you; next thing you know you’re instilling a vision into others allowing them to borrow your eyes. As humans, we can be very selfish, self-absorbed, and have microscopic perspectives. We need long term visions to pull us through short-term adversity. And to keep us on the path to advance to the best version of ourselves; mind, body, & spirit!


Christopher Ray Coleman
Christopher Ray Coleman

Written by Christopher Ray Coleman

President of Coleman Enterprises, Founder of Fuckup Nights Mobile, Best-Selling Author & Host of the CRC Podcast

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