Christopher Ray Coleman
5 min readJun 13, 2017

Seek Harmony And Forget The Finding Balance Game

Is it just me or has the phrase; “I’m just trying to find balance”; now become the buzz phrase to say. Do people even know what it means when they say it? Or do they use it as an excuse or justification for how chaotic and out of order their life is? These questions are rhetorical by the way. I found that not only do people not know how to find balance; but they don’t even know how it looks or where to even start!


At least not in the way people refer to it when they find themselves not where they want to be, overwhelmed, or with their tail between their legs because they’ve compared their chapter 1 to someone else’s 31. We’ve been sold to play this endless game of “Find Your Balance”. So my intention for this article is to help someone who is struggling to find it to stop majoring in a minor thing and shift their focus to seeking harmony. But first, let’s disregard this whole finding balance nonsense.

Balance is defined as an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady; a condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions. First of all, why is balance a condition? That’s not sketchy at all…

But according to this definition finding balance is to find something that’s upright and steady, equal, and correct proportions. I may only be 26 but last time I checked this is planet Earth we live on. How illogical, irrational, and insane can you be to grow up on this planet and expect to come to a place where everything is upright, steady, and equal? Do people have the Holy Grail and Big Foot on their list of things to find in addition to balance? If there’s one thing you can guarantee of life is that things will never be steady and equal. Think of a heart monitor; you want it going up and down! If it ever becomes steady and flatlines; close the curtains because you’re dead! That’s life as we know. We want ups and downs. We need peaks and valleys. We need to feel the rush on this crazy roller coaster ride of life we’re all strapped into.

See the origin of the work balance is Latin and it means, “having two scalepans.” So in regards to juggling two things it makes perfect sense to find balance; or the scales would be uneven. At some point of civilization, we thought it would be a great idea to apply this logic to our lives. There’s only one issue….WE ARE NOT SCALEPANS!!! We’re human beings. Since when was the last time you only had two things on your plate or mind to juggle. It’s 2017 people. We have so many distractions and so much information coming at us it’s ridiculous. Forget 2 scalepans try 20 different plates on sticks that we have to keep spinning. That accurately describes the day and age we’re living in now.

Ok, I think that’s enough on balance. I believe you get the gist by now. On to discussing harmony and why we should seek and embrace it.

Harmony is defined as the quality of forming a pleasing and consistent whole. Wow! I could end the article right there and it would be enough to add value. What I love about this definition is that is insinuating action instead of passiveness. When you’re seeking harmony you’re actively forming a pleasing a consistent whole. You have your hands on the wheel! Instead of merely being a measuring tool and metric system with finding balance.

Currently, my life consists of 18 hour work days. Waking up early in the morning, working out, reading, sending emails, writing articles, working on my second book, making sale calls, supporting clients in their goals, taking advantage of social media to break through obscurity, planting seeds en route to becoming a billionaire one day. Some days I don’t work out like I want to and some days I don’t eat like I want to, but it’s my life. There is nothing balanced, equal, steady, or upright about my life! One day I may spend the majority of it talking to clients and the next day I’m spending the majority of it working on my personal development. Then the next day I’ll be obsessed with getting new business and reaching new people with my mission. That’s not balanced. However, I’m 100% content with it. I’ve found the harmony in my life at the moment and it’s allowing me to consistently progress to form the lifestyle I need to create so the fulfillment of my mission, vision, and destiny is whole. Being balanced is nowhere to be found on my radar. Anytime I sense there is balance, steadiness, or equality in my life I should go into panic mode because that’s how I know I’m not pushing hard enough!

Now you don’t have to be as preoccupied or productive as I am to have this apply to your life. The point is we all are humans being. We were all meant to live dangerous, unpredictable, extreme lives. Hence the traits such as instincts, or awareness, or self-preservation. The only extreme thing we’ve done lately as a society is becoming extremely safe oriented and predictable in our efforts to retreat and be conservative. I’m not oblivious by any means. I see the headlines and see the news segments also. I just don’t focus my energy there and allow it to cripple my potential and capabilities as a human being. And neither should you! I pray I’ve helped you find clarity when it comes to finding balance and seeking harmony. It changed my life when I made the perspective shift and I’m confident it’ll do the same for you too. So no more succumbing to this condition of finding equality and steadiness in every aspect of our life. Take control of your life by being consistent on forming the lifestyle you deem pleasing and brilliant. And that’s how you’ll live an abundant, serene, prosperous life.


Christopher Ray Coleman
Christopher Ray Coleman

Written by Christopher Ray Coleman

President of Coleman Enterprises, Founder of Fuckup Nights Mobile, Best-Selling Author & Host of the CRC Podcast

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