The 5 Ingredients To Creating A Healthy Active Lifestyle
Many people look at creating a healthy active lifestyle as this extreme complex calculus problem that takes a rocket scientist to solve. I’m sure it carried over from what we all experience in math classes growing up. We all learned to count first. Then add. Then subtract. The multiply and divide. Then we started doing problems that we more complicated and detailed that allowed us to get more done in a quick way. And for some reason, we thought it was a good idea to apply this to life
Well, the good news is that life; especially creating a healthy active lifestyle is stupid simple. The bad news it’s a process and takes time. And the difficult part of it is the discipline and persistence we just apply. But the why and what is easy. Think of baking. When baking a cake(this is such a bad example to use with explaining how to create a healthy active lifestyle) but there are certain ingredients you need and certain measurements of ingredients to bake for a certain amount of time. And if you’re missing one ingredient your cake won’t turn out the way you desired.
Well creating a healthy active lifestyle is the same way. There are certain ingredients you need and if you’re missing one then you won’t get your desired outcome. And those ingredients are healthy eating, exercise, supplement, personal coaching, and being a part of a community!
1. Healthy Eating: to put in the simplest way possible you need to eat for a purpose, not for pleasure. Whole foods are simply items you can find at a farmers market that is whole and complete with nutrients your body needs. It’s not the store franchise that has coined the term to make you believe that eating healthy is expensive; when in actuality I can get all the items I need for my Bulking Regimen is only $25 for the week(consisting of items like rice, eggs, chicken breast, etc). It actually bothers me that I can’t even type out the words “Whole Foods” without my phone automatically capitalizing it because it knows it is a franchise. But that’s a different story haha. Bottom line every food source is made of calories/macronutrients(proteins, fats, and carbs) and micronutrients(vitamins and minerals). And we just need to fuel our bodies with enough to properly fuel ourselves and/or hit our specific goal!
2. Exercise: I’m going to ruffle some feathers with this one but to be completely honest; unless you’re a professional athlete or have ambitions of becoming one you do not need to be investing most of your money into exercise/working out. If you’re not morbidly obese you do not need to invest most of your money into a personal trainer. If you’re not close to dying or has had a serious injury you don’t need to invest most of your money into a personal trainer. If you just want to lose 25, 50, or even 100lbs just get off the couch, break a sweat, and get some blood flow going. Being great and being consistently good over a long period of time. It’s that simple.
3. Supplement: this component deserves a post/blog all to itself! But let me attempt to be brief. The definition of Supplement; straight from the dictionary; is something added to complete a thing, supply a deficiency, or reinforce or extend a whole. According to that definition, makeup is a supplement to a woman’s beauty. Appetizers are a supplement to a full course. A tutor is a supplement to a college curriculum. Some people even have affairs to supplement marriages!……get the point yet? So instead of thinking a supplement is an end all be all; it’s simply something to fill in the gaps to what we can’t get solely from eating whole foods. Back when we were hunters and gathers humans would eat 200 types plants a day. And now the average humans eats no more than 1 type of plant. We must supply that deficiency somewhere.
4. Personal Coaching: I preferably like to think of this aspect as a mentor more than a coach. A trainer usually only spends 1 hour with a client or group or class then it’s on to the next one. But a mentor is available around the clock and can help with multiple areas of life. Now many people may not possess the capacity or desire to fulfill the duties of a mentor. But I assure you the benefits and values received from one are too great to measure! Plus it is one thing for a trainer to “tell” a client what to do. More than most times a mentor is coaching someone “showing” them. Being an example and using their personal experiences. Which one would you rather have guided you in your journey?
5. Community: this is possibly the most important aspect of the equation and most overlooked. Many people have the eating down packed, the exercise, the supplement, and the coaching. But they don’t feel a part of something bigger than themselves. They don’t have the support of a like-minded people in the same shoes as them pursuing the same goal as them. Think of a basketball team. It’s one thing for a coach to feel a certain way. But when the captain of the team, the seniors, and juniors feel the same; it’s easier for the sophomores to jump on board. Same with creating a healthy active lifestyle. It’s one thing for a coach to feel a certain way. But when peers and friends and neighbors are on board. It’s easier for someone to be on board and be consistent. And consistency is the name of the game!
In conclusion; I’m aware most of what is stated above goes against the grain and what many have sold on over the years. Frankly, put; you can either adopt what I have taken the time to explain here and be proactive about your well being. Or you can wait until later in life when you’ll have to adopt these principles out of desperation then manage the dwindling state of your well being. The choice is yours. Either way, these principles will be adopted and you will value your health….one way or another!