The Placebo Effect
I am so fascinated by this entire concept and have been looking forward to writing an article on it for quite some time. For those that don’t know, I stand very firmly on the philosophy of optimal mind, body, and spirit. In other words, focusing on being healthy mentally, physically, and regarding your overall wellness. Psychology has always been a favorite subject of mine in school and the placebo effect touches on the psychological effects due to the power of our minds!
Ok, let’s start breaking this thing down…
Placebo is defined as a harmless pill, medicine, or procedure prescribed more for the psychological benefit to the patient than for any physiological effect. It’s derived from the Latin term placere meaning “to please.”
Am I’m the only one that finds it a bit alarming that “harmless pill” is a part of the official definition of the term? I pray I’m not for so many reasons. But as you can see a placebo is entirely designed to convince someone that they are taking something for the sole purpose to alleviate them or manage their illness; just so said person will get better because mentally they believe they’re supposed to. And on top of that, this is completely legal. This speaks volumes to how we as a civilization have delegated and handed over our control when it comes to our life. When the entire concept of the placebo effect is to activate our own abilities to cure and heal ourselves mentally! And I’d like to cover both ends of the spectrum in this article.
Delegating and handed over power has become a pandemic in society. We expect people to show up and motivate us, love us, teach us, pay us, entertain us, and feed us! Hell; is like society has resorted to embracing infant and toddler mentalities. The Pharmaceutical companies make billions of dollars a year. And it baffles me that one of their most popular products may be a freaking sugar pill! Companies have literally found a way to monetize our lack of independence by activating our self-preservation to survive. The shit is almost Shakesperian is so brilliant. However, it’s completely unethical. And it’s not just the pharmaceutical companies. It’s the 2017 twenty-year-old life coaches, the financial advisors that are broke, the health coaches that are fat, and the marriage counselor that have been divorced three times. All making a living because people fail to take ownership, recognize patterns, and have faith in themselves.
Now, on the contrary, there’s something beautiful to catch here; and it takes a high mindset and perspective to catch it. The placebo effect is 100% proof from medical experts and enormous companies that we are completely in control! Man this article is starting to get spiritual! Yes, our thoughts are so powerful that doctors have found a way to trick us into using them so we can get better. I mean at the end of the day you have to respect it. So just imagine what you could accomplish in your life by owning this and learning to use your thoughts wisely. As I write this I am reminded of the Confucius quote; “The man who says he can, and the man who says he can not.. Are both correct.” What we believe in, what we think, and what we constantly tell ourselves matter! In fact, I’m starting a new hashtag; #AllThoughtsMatter. Now I just need to make some t-shirts!
To conclude, set yourself up for success. Take control and responsibility of your life in every single area of it. I tell people all the time when we place the control on the government, society, our jobs, and our family then we’re not in control. But everything in my being my fault is exciting! That means it’s all up to me to change and improve my life. And I’m telling you that it’s all up to you to change and improve yours. Use your thoughts wisely and set yourself up for succes, and you won’t need a pill to live a pleasing and beneficial life. You will become your own placebo effect!