The ripple effect of me spending a weekend in jail at the of 24

Christopher Ray Coleman
5 min readJan 1, 2019

I don’t have a resolution for 2019. But I do have a declaration of being more open/vulnerable. It’s something I’ve struggled with my 28 years on this Earth. Much of it can be accredited to how I grew up.

As an African American, you’re told to mask your pain and persuade yourself that nothing is wrong. As an African American male, you’re taught to “suck it up” or “man up”. And as an African American male growing up in a fatherless household full of woman: there’s another layer added on to you being “the man of the house” from a very young age. All of conditioned me to hold in my emotions. It’s lead me to be very stoic in my demeanor and never resorting to “bitching” or complaining.

So what better time to start having a breakthrough in this area of my life than now right?

Let’s get right to the story, shall we…

In 2015 I was racially profiled, targeted, and arrested; and spent a weekend in jail at the age of 24. It was during the time I was a District Manager in Florence Al running my headquarters for a marketing/advertising firm. I grew up a mild-mannered alter boy living life by the book and this was the first time I was ever arrested. I talk about the details and happenings of the incident in depth in my book The 180 Effect so I won’t elaborate too much here. And for those that know me to know, I don’t have a prejudice bone in my body. But the occurrences of me being arrested twice while I was there only point to racial profiling, unfortunately.

I shut down my headquarters August 2015 after spending 18 months there generating a 6 figure business and recruiting 150 reps on my sales force. I now had the tools and skills to create my own businesses and manifest my vision; however, the incident of me being arrested did add urgency to me closing down.

I returned back to Mobile Al with a ton of notches on my stick, confidence as a business owner, and a suspended license due to Florence Al requesting I pay $3,500+ in fees or spend a year in jail(which are still the terms). Having a suspended license in my situation and with my ambitions has handcuffed me over the last 3 years. Especially once my license expired November 2017. I can’t get a car, can only rent rooms from people on craigslist, I can’t fly anywhere, and that hasn’t slowed me down at all.

Here is a list of accomplishments I’ve accumulated since August 2015:


  • Speaker at Quikfits Beast Before The Feast Event(11/21)
  • Sales Manager for Zieman & Associates Jan Program(Dec)


  • Article published in Bella & Co Magazine(May)
  • Keynote Speaker “The Little Black Dress” Event(11/13)
  • Published 1st Edition of The 180 Effect Book(11/25) 2017
  • Speaking Gig Mcgill-Toolen Basketball Program(2/17)
  • Coordinator Mount Vernon 1st Annual Mayor’s Gala(3/4)
  • All Things Mobile Business Podcast w/ Marcus Neto(7/26)


I don’t share any of these accomplishments to impress anyone or boast but to press upon anyone reading this what’s possible despite any unfortunate restraints you may have bounding your full ability and potential right now.

As I write this article on January 1st, 2019; I’m in between places crashing at a cousin’s house, writing a new book, planning to open 10–15 Nutrition Clubs this year in cities that have teams associated with the American South Football Alliance, and growing the Health Is Wealth Nation brand leading with my corporate wellness consulting agency. I hope I can be an example of now allowing adversity to break you but allow it to help you breakthrough.

What truly sparked me to open up and be vulnerable in this article is the extreme measures I’ve had to go to these past 3 years. I’ve had to spend the night at a waffle house after spending all day in a Starbucks because I had no place to go in between renting rooms. I’ve had to borrow money and go without paying people back praying they have patience until I’m able to. And have not been able to pay services but based on belief have been given a pass. The ripple effect has served as a black cloud over me the past 3 years and I’ve had to smile and hide the pain. Well, I’m done doing that! I’m a flawed human being, I’m not perfect, and I’m done aiming to appear so and won’t have too much pride to ask for help anymore.

I currently have bulk orders of my books being sold due to investors helping me get the copies in the first place. Inevitably the fees in Florence will be paid off; whether I have people invest in me personally so I can pay them or invest in me getting wholesale copies of my books. Either way, I’ll still pay it off with people buying my nutrition programs, joining my mastermind on my website, and buying my book on Amazon. Not to mention other endeavors I have going on now.

If you take anything from this story and my testimony let it be that mental strength and emotional intelligence are two of the most valuable things you can develop. Others may label this as having grit and if that’s what you want to call it; go right ahead. Regardless focus on these intangibles to fight through adversity, keep the long-term vision in sight, and dig deep to make shit happen!

Your #HealthIsWealthGuy


*article originally posted here



Christopher Ray Coleman
Christopher Ray Coleman

Written by Christopher Ray Coleman

President of Coleman Enterprises, Founder of Fuckup Nights Mobile, Best-Selling Author & Host of the CRC Podcast

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