Where Is Your Focus?
Every since high school my favorite truck has been an Avalanche. I love the Chevrolet brand and I love pick-up trucks(it’s the Bama in me haha) so it’s just something about the Avalanche that stands out to me. I remember when I learned that Chevrolet would discontinue the vehicle I couldn’t believe it. When I saw the 2013 Black Diamond Edition they release to commemorate the end of the Avalanche line I felt better. The vehicle was both rugged and luxurious and it was instantly decided that I would own it one day. Over the past 4 years, it’s as if the only vehicle I truly notice on the road is an Avalanche. New or old, close or far, I always seem to spot them.
There’s an old adage; “Where your focus goes energy flows.” This seems to goes over many people’s heads so I wanted to make a brief article to discuss it.
Let’s first think about this in its simplest form. Take a guy that’s obsessed with a female. Before you know it he’s spending money he doesn’t have and making all the time in the world to pursue the female. Its primary focus in life has become her, therefore, all his energy is channeled to her. We’ve all seen a couple walking down the street and said; “How in the world did he manage that?” That was his focus and it eventually manifested.
Now there’s a deeper level to this also. In my opinion, there’s no true distinction between positive and negative energy. Energy is just that energy. The focus and intent can be a negative or positive one but the energy that flows from it is its own thing. Take electricity for example. It can be used to power houses and entire cities or it can be used to carry out a death sentence in prisons. The electricity is neither good nor bad it just is. But the purpose and intent behind it is the differentiator.
Have you ever been riding in a car and said to yourself; “Please don’t get into an accident…please don’t get into an accident…PLEASE don’t get into an accident.” Then boom next thing you know you’re in one! Well, all of your focus went into “accident”! Energy doesn’t pick up on the “don’t get into a” part of the mantra. It’s said that Mother Teresa never attended an “Anti-War Rally”. Her logic was that “war” was in the title, therefore, it was the focus and energy would flow in the name of war. If they titled it a “Peace Rally” then she would gladly attend.
My hope is that this gives you some simple insight on the fact that it matters where and whom we invest our energy into! Whether it’s done consciously or subconsciously, directly or indirectly, it’s happening. And the outcome is affecting your life more than you know!
*this article was originally published on healthiswealthnation.com*