“WIN”come Leads To Income — Christopher Ray Coleman

Christopher Ray Coleman
3 min readSep 8, 2018


Have you ever heard the saying; “It takes money to make money.”? Of course, you have! It’s one of the empty sayings people say without knowing what they are saying. Sure there’s some truth to it. But it’s mostly said in a way to justify why someone hasn’t made money, and that’s just pathetic. It’s become a form a negative self-talk that people use to make sense of their current predicament and lack of money.

Back in the 1980s, the business model for running a business was paying a shit ton of money on traditional advertising(billboards, newspaper, radio, TV), have an influx of inbound traffic come in from said advertising, then take orders(what was known as sales) with no skills involved.

With this model, of course, the concept “it takes money to make money applies”. But in 2018 this is so not the case!

Today you can literally start with nothing and make money. With it’s with a direct sales organization, selling a handmade product via social media, or hell selling stuff in your house you don’t want anymore via social media.

There’s no excuse anymore. Social media broke down the floodgates and capitalism has become an equal playing ground.

With that being said; the main thing it takes now is confidence and courage!

Today it takes wincome in your confidence bank account to lead to income in your financial bank account. You need wins in your life to build your confidence and give you the courage to go out and sell your product, your service, yourself, or your idea to people.

As a District Manager a few years ago I lead a sales force of mainly high school and college students to sell a premium product in a territory where the median income was well below the national average.

One section of their presentation included opening their folder to start flipping through a business PDF. This folder also held their order forms to write up orders at the end of the presentation. So I taught my reps to place all receipts of submitted orders in the front of their folder. So as soon as they started the presentation the first thing a potential customer would see was filled out order forms. This created evidence of success for the rep, it created a buying atmosphere and created a level of trust for the potential customer seeing that people have bought from the rep already so they wouldn’t be the first. They may even see the name of someone they know on a receipt and create some competition on who can buy more from the rep ;)

Filling my confidence bank account is something I do twice a day. When I wake up in the morning and anytime I face some adversity during the day. It gives me the energy to make another call, send another message, or do another pop in visit.

My wincome list usually looks something like this:

  • I’ve built a 6 figure business at the age of 23 in 18 months from scratch
  • I’ve recruited a sales force of over 150 reps
  • I’ve published a book that has the #1 best seller position on two Amazon.com lists
  • I’ve helped over 200 clients across the country lose weight and/or create a healthy active lifestyle
  • I’ve mentored a handful of entrepreneurs to start a successful business of their own or take their business to the next level

And depending on the day this list can go on and on and on!

If it truly takes money to make money then many people in life are fucked because they literally have nothing. Take it from me. You can start with zero in your bank account, in debt, and nothing in your fridge; and generate income. As long as you have the level of courage it takes and enough confidence to fuel your actions.

Your #HealthIsWealthGuy




Christopher Ray Coleman
Christopher Ray Coleman

Written by Christopher Ray Coleman

President of Coleman Enterprises, Founder of Fuckup Nights Mobile, Best-Selling Author & Host of the CRC Podcast

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